Financial Advantages of Modular Construction:
While many decide to use modular construction simply to enhance the quality of construction, you should also be aware of the many value added aspects of this innovative construction technique.
Reduced Financial Risk
Prolonged traditional construction schedules not only expose you to weather risks and other acts of God, they also leave you at the mercy of market swings or customer fall-out. By reducing the time of your project, modular construction minimizes your financial risk.
Decreased Site Supervision Costs
With modular construction, your modular manufacturer becomes your largest subcontractor – significantly reducing the number of subcontractors you need to source, negotiate with and later, oversee on-site. This can be especially advantageous in areas of the country facing shortages in skilled labor.
Decreased Site Management Costs
When you relocate 80 percent of the construction to a manufacturing facility you also relocate many of your site management costs. By limiting the amount of construction that takes place on your site, you also limit your need to provide expensive accommodations. Parking, sanitary and material storage considerations, as well as their related costs, are all reduced.
Decreased Vandalism and Theft
Modular construction can greatly reduce your exposure to vandalism and theft. Most modular buildings are fully secured on the day of delivery. And, with modular construction, you no longer have to store expensive building materials on-site and assume the expense of fencing or hiring security guards.
Greater Insurance Savings
With its greater efficiency, modular construction enables you to have fewer projects under construction at any one time, reducing your premiums for builder’s insurance.
Reduced Architectural & Engineering Fees
Building modular structures selected from your manufacturer’s portfolio of designs will save you a substantial sum for professional services. In this case, you will only need an engineered foundation that is specific to your site and building.